Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Ultimate in Red Tape...

As I was reading the news at lunch today, I happened across a story on about an injured Army vet who was being refunded by the government after being charged for his missing body armor. It seems, that he 'lost' his body armor after the medics had to destroy it because it was covered with his blood. His unit refused to sign a waiver for the vest unless he had witness statements to back up his claim that the medics had to destroy it because it was now a biohazard. The army gave him a bill in the neighborhood of $650 for the vest and other missing items out of the vest. What, if I may be so bold as to ask, in the living fuck is wrong with this picture? This poor soldier got the fuck blown out of him in Iraq, and the Army wants to send him a bill for the vest that saved his life?

What moron is in charge here? Oh wait, I remember who that is now...

1 comment:

The Mighty Buzzard said...

Yeah, he was on FNC early this morning. He more or less said, and I'd be inclined to believe him, that it was just the same ignorant bureaucratic bullshit you always get in the Army and that there wasn't any sense getting mad about it since they paid it back. Folks what ain't been there don't really have the experience to know that "snafu" was coined with extremely good reason and also think we're indulging in a bit of hyperbole with the "situation normal" bit. It ain't hyperbole, baby.